Date: Sat, 22 Apr 95 16:12 EET From: (Chris Campbell) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1814] Re: half baked comments >Agreed. Weird proprietary formats that force you to use a special player >suck! I'd hardly call .XM a proprietary format but MOD4WIN dosen't support it :( Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia... Canada IRC: Popcorn - Hornet.Epinicion.Divine.TRAXWEEKLY ----------------- Date: Sat, 22 Apr 95 16:12 EET From: (Chris Campbell) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1813] Re: half baked comments >I would just like to congratulate Dan and his crew for a job well done >and can't wait for the next music disk. Please all composers who decide >to make music disks leave the songs in s3m mtm etc so people like myself >who can't use the graphical players can play the songs with their >favourite mod players. Amen to that. I listen to modules when I'm doing other things, like now when I'm catching up on a HUGE backlog of mail ;) I can't stand it when people release stuff in things like .CBA that I have no choice but to use a player that has no shell to DOS. Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia... Canada IRC: Popcorn - Hornet.Epinicion.Divine.TRAXWEEKLY ----------------- Date: Sat, 22 Apr 95 16:11 EET From: jester (Tobias Reckhard) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1812] Re: Starplayer 2.12 is released. Just thought I'd point out that there's a mistake in the URL for StarPlayer 2.12. The site is not: > but rather: The path is ok. cheers jester -- jester (Tobias Reckhard) To obtain the FAQ for alt.binaries.sounds.mods (in order of preference) : - finger - WWW - email ----------------- Date: Mon, 24 Apr 95 10:37 EET From: "Jens Puchert" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1815] Re: half baked comments In message <199504212008.RAA20047@Fox.NSTN.Ca> you write: >>Agreed. Weird proprietary formats that force you to use a special player >>suck! > >I'd hardly call .XM a proprietary format but MOD4WIN dosen't support it :( Read the whole thing please. I was talking about .CBA, .AMF, and .PSM. You can also add .DSM to that list if you'd like. Nobody considers .XM and .ULT weird proprietary formats. >Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia... Canada >IRC: Popcorn - Hornet.Epinicion.Divine.TRAXWEEKLY Jensi ----------------- Date: Mon, 24 Apr 95 20:28 EET From: (Alberto Gennari) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1816] Re: half baked comments >Read the whole thing please. I was talking about .CBA, .AMF, and .PSM. >You can also add .DSM to that list if you'd like. Nobody considers .XM >and .ULT weird proprietary formats. First of all, HELLO TO EVeRYBODY oN ThE SceNe! :) However, M4W 2.12 reads ULT & DSM, i.e. infos appear on the info panel, but M4W can't play. Probably in a future? GRRReeeeeeTZZZZZZZ! jErIkO ----------------- Date: Mon, 24 Apr 95 21:55 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1817] Naid KFMF I have just read in the TraxWeek #6 that both Maelcum,basehead and necros got prices at naid. Good work guys. -- "Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists." -- John Kenneth Galbraith ----------------- Date: Tue, 25 Apr 95 00:19 EET From: (Jim Bob Aiken) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1818] Re: Naid KFMF >I have just read in the TraxWeek #6 that both Maelcum,basehead and necros >got prices at naid. Sorry if this question has been asked a million times before or something, but is TraxWeek an on-line publication, or is it print, and if it is on-line, where can I get it? Thanks, jimbob ----------------- Date: Tue, 25 Apr 95 03:30 EET From: ap154@freenet.Buffalo.EDU (Jared Spiegel) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1819] Little Mod Artist survey I was wondering if anyone would be interested in taking the time to fill out some info about themselves, as i intend to make a big 'FAQ' sort of 'mod maker' list and would like as much input as I can get. The questionnaire is at the bottom of this message if you'd like to fill it out. If you are not into this sort of thing then just stop reading, otherwise please take the time to do this as it should be quite interesting hearing about various mod makers. If you'd like, you can contribute ascii art for the cover page or add anything you can think of in the comment section. If we do this right it'll be really cool :). Welp, here it is, my mod maker questionnaire. Please take the time to fill it out and send it back. If you find anything in here (tho i doubt it) offensive or anything similar, it wasn't meant to be and I apoligize, tho' I don't anticipate any such reaction. Thank you. please send the completed questionnaire + any thing else you wish VIA EMAIL to : don't post completed questionnaires on UseNET or talk groups (the ones) as that would create problems for me in the area of compilation. --------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<----- Name : Age : Handle/Alias : Current Group : Nationality, [US, Finland, Mexico, etc...] (optional) : SoundCard(s) (+OnBoard RAM if applicable) : Favorite Tracker (+ver) : Favorite Format : Favorite Sampler (+ver) : Favorite Player (+ver) : Number of Publicly released songs : Number of Songs you never really finished : Average time it takes you to finish a song : Type of song you usually write (i.e. trance, hardcore, classical, metal, etc...) : Favorite song you composed : Favorite song someone else composed : Ever entered a music compo (PC or otherwise) : If so, what place(s) did you get (optional) : Where can others find your music (Via FTP or BBS, list server/dir or tel#) : Here's a spot for comments, if you don't use it, just leave it blank, I'll delete it when you send it back, otherwise try to use 10 lines at the most : --------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<-------- Thank you very much for taking the time to fill this out and send it. Hopefully, the response will be large and I'll be able to put out a compilation soon. Jared Spiegel / Eight363. -----------------